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Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker

Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups. I’m very pleas…

Source: Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker

Take Heart, Berner: The Truth is Coming

The Writing of John Laurits


Take Heart, Berner

My warmest greetings to you, my brothers, sisters, & others — I hope that you are all in good enough spirits, though I know that the media has been hard on you, lately. You’ll be happy to know that I come bearing good news…

It’s been a few days since I’ve written to you in a full article & this is because so much has been happening that I could scarcely write about any number without that number changing. Now, with the assistance of the People’s Math Front (& even some new volunteers), I think that I’ve got my grasp on the situation, again. Let’s dig in, shall we?

I’m sure that many of you are wondering…

What the heck is going on in California?!

Well, I’m glad that you’ve asked! Because it just so happens that I’ve spent every waking hour for the last several days…

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An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

Powerful expression of gratitude.


OurFamily Our family on voting day.

Dear Bernie,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I write you today on behalf of tens of millions of Americans and untold numbers worldwide.

I write first and foremost to say “Thank you.”.

Thank you for taking the time to serve your country and humankind.

I, like you, have often chosen service over material gains.

As a result, I am a 43 year old man, with under $1000 to my name.

I am not worried about it.

It is a choice I have made to have a rich, full life, rather than play a game that someone else has laid out for me.

I may not have much money, but every single day I am able to touch the lives of many people.


I have traveled around the country with my family volunteering for you.

It has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

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Why I will #SeeYouInPhilly

Gave me chills. Hell yeah! We will be heard!

The Writing of John Laurits


Greetings, my sisters, brothers, & others

Since the first article on the delegate math, I’ve (mostly) kept my mouth shut about the coming marches & demonstrations in Philadelphia & the rest of the nation (& the world) — this is because I felt that it was of the utmost importance for the people to keep focused on winning as many votes as the rigged system would allow.

Now — the primary season is all but over & I’d like to talk about the next phase of our political revolution — massive demonstrations.

Why I’ll #SeeYouInPhilly

Here’s the truth, as I see it — in late 2015, democratic party registrations reached a low tide, with a mere 29% of registered voters (and forget the GOP at a pitiful 26%). Think about it — 26% +29% = 55% — that means that barely over half of registered voters’ interests overlap with the 2 state-sanctioned parties combined!

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